Epiphone G400 Custom

One of the most common problems I run into is that when I finally decide to get an instrument, it gets discontinued. This has happened with the Epiphone Zephyr and the G400 Custom. Every music shop I tried in 2001 was out of them, and I can only assume I was not alone, as Epiphone brought the model back a couple of years later. I got this one used on E-Bay in 2002 and save some minor scratches, it was in good condition.

This is the Epiphone redux of the triple-pickup Les Paul Custom (SG) from the early 60s. What drew me to this thing was when I found out you could blend each of the three pickups independently, which allows for a wide range of sounds. This means you can have more strat-style out-of-phase sounds you normally can't get on Les Paul/SG guitars. I also like the action on this thing, it's very fast neck and has a nice reach to the higher frets. It's hard not to noodle to excess on this model, as the speed of the neck seems to encourage it. Nice colour, gold hardware, fret markers and I especially like the 'split-diamond' headstock inlay.

Unique Feature(s): 3 blendable pickups

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